Sylvia Baral, 12 years was diagnosed with autism when she was six years old. At first the parents didn’t know what she was suffering from. She didn’t communicate, sat silently and showed no interest in learning. Initially her parents took her to a child psychiatrist, but it produced no result. Even doctors could not diagnose the disability. They admitted her to various schools but she was ignored due to her physical disability.Sijan Shakya welcomes Sylvia at Autism Care Nepal, the only active organization working for autistic children run by the parents of autistic children. ACN was established on April 2, 2008, after the parents felt that there should be a care center that could teach their children how to actively conduct daily activities despite their disabilities. The centre provides trainings to parents, day care facility to autistic children and various treatment therapies such as art and music therapy.Sylvia Baral, at a play room at Autism Center Nepal. Autistic children like Sylvia are taught structured pattern of learning. There go through one to one or group learning through various interactive materials. Every morning they have attendance, they have to say how they are feeling.Sylvia Baral with her father Hem Sagar Baral, 44 at his working room in his residence in Kathmandu. Baral is a bird expert.Sylvia gives a five to her teacher in the autism class.Sylvia likes washing hands time and again. She returns back to her living room.Though Sylvia doesn’t speak, she likes listening to Hindi pop music. She swings her body to the beat of the music.Binu Dangol, 4, her father Birendra Dangol, 42 and her brother, Bishal Dangol 12, walking down the road in Trishuli. Binu has problems while communicating. Her parents took her to Jhakri—a local healer believing some evil spirit resides and stooped her from talking. A doctor in Kathmandu says she has symptoms of autism.Binu Dangol, 4, playing with her brother Bishal Dangol, 12. She cannot speak properly.Binu gets angry easily when she is not given things she likes. Her parents find it hard to accept the fact that she is suffering from autism.Bishan, 12, and Binu, 4, at their sleeping room in Trishuli, the family has a shop to earn their living.Binu Dangol,4, and Bishal Dangol, 12 walks through a bridge in Trishuli.Kreet Amatya ,6 , also an autistic child, at his study room. His mother Dr. Sunita Amatya, teaches him with different structured learning.Dr. Sunita takes class everyday at by adopting interactive learning process.Kreet interacts with a teacher at Autism Care Nepal.ACN uses iPad and it’s different application to teach student. Autistic children were found to be enjoying learning through ipad .Kreet brushes his teeth. Early in the morning and before sleeping he brushes his teeth.Kreet Amatya looks outside the window for his mother Dr Sunita.
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